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12 Week Program

Over the years, more than 100 people have completed this program and the results have been consistently extraordinary. Clients have repeatedly told me that they got more benefits and tools that they could use the rest of their lives than they had from spending tens of thousands of dollars on other personal growth programs. This is for folks who want to clear their past emotional baggage and learn how not to create more going forward. For those who want to take responsibility for their lives and not be at the mercy of outside events to determine their emotional wellbeing.

I, myself, have spent over 100K and 20,000 hours from 1992 until now (in 2019) experiencing many different healing modalities as a client and student. I am Reiki Master/Teacher; took Therapeutic Touch, Healing Codes, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting, Bryon Katie Work and others. I bring all my years of experience to the table in working one-one with a person for the entire time and am fully available when they need me between sessions. We do one 90-120 minute session each week and the client has daily homework which gradually shifts their entire outlook on life over the course of the program. They spend about 90 minutes each day on their exercises. Individuals learn to address all situations in their life using these new tools and having me available as a guide.

Most of the clients who have done this program are well educated, successful professionals who have done a lot of personal growth work already. However, may feel stuck or had repetitive issues that just would not go away. Some examples are lifelong depression and anxiety, fear of death, phobias, grief that had lasted for years, chronic physical problems, feeling empty inside in spite of exterior success, addictions, broken relationships and not knowing how to find real love in life. Others who do the program have a good life and just want to have a deeper understanding of how things really work and learn to optimize the time they have remaining on earth.

Often people will do a session or two for a pressing issue, to experience the power of some of the techniques and then decide that they want to go much deeper. Learning new skills for living a life filled with peace, love, and joy, regardless of what is going on in the world, at the same time being held accountable in a non-judgmental environment. The fee for this program is currently $7500 as of January 2024.

Or you could spend 15K plus travel and lodging to participate in a 4 day group program with Jack Canfield and 23 other participants to get much less benefits

Open Tad Hill's Audio Testimonial

Open Lynne Interview

Bill’s experience with the program

Austin’s experience

Erinn's experience 9 years later

Victoria’s experience with the program

Chip’s Experience

Itia’s Experience

Discover the power of a decision and the freedom this ground breaking process provides.

It’s time for positive action. Your new world awaits you!