About Me

People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.
Are you ready to improve your life?
What is standing in the way of achieving your goals?
Let go of the obstacles and build a new reality!
The possibilities are endless and Don Milton at Growth by Design can help.
Don Milton is a life coach and energy healer who helps individual clients as well as companies achieve goals with efficiency and utmost satisfaction. Don employs a variety of proven methods that help individuals accomplish their dreams and desires.
Don focuses on helping clients release the emotional baggage that stands in the way of improving their lives. His own life has been a testament to his work as he continually does his own inner work, thereby having a direct experience of the methods he teaches. Don brings a lifetime of academic, business, military, and volunteer work experience to the table.
As an Army officer at NORAD in Colorado Springs for two years, Don supervised a group of civilians and NCOs in a top secret intelligence group and was honorably discharged as a Captain in 1972. From his beginnings at Auburn University, his main focus in life was Mathematics research and teaching. He obtained his BS and MS degrees in the field of mathematics and completed all course work for a PhD, excepting his dissertation. He taught math at the university as a graduate student then eventually spent 25 years in the investment real estate brokerage business, obtained his broker license in 1978 and started his own company, Vescom Properties, in 1984, which is the same year that he held the designation of Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). Don closed over 300 million in sales and loans over a 15-year period.
Then in the early 90s, everything changed. Don had a shift in consciousness which led into a unique route from a life in business to one of a more spiritual/psychological nature.
Don says,
“It was a process that began in 1990 with a divorce and a financial downturn which lasted 11 years and turned my world view upside down. It was what I call a eucatastrophic experience, which we all have in life, once or more, and leads to either a breakthrough or breakdown. Often the breakdown precedes the breakthrough.”

He began extensive study into energy work which led to his present career as a life coach and healer and allowed him more direct experience in dealing with people and their emotional issues than many professionals in psychology. He studied various methods of consciousness changing and deep personal/spiritual growth philosophies which add to his ability to work at a deep level with clients.
Don primarily uses Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Matrix Re-imprinting and the Byron Katie methods in his coaching practice. These methods allow the client to practice skills which lead to more productive, satisfying and healthier lifestyles. He’s coached hundreds of clients to achieve goals they never dreamed possible.
Don is also certified to practice:
- Reiki
- Levels 1, 2 and 3
- Pranic Healing
- Levels 1 and 2
- Matrix Energetics
- Therapeutic Touch
Don says,
“On August 30, 2009 I was hit by an SUV as a pedestrian and in a coma for 6 weeks on life support. I almost died several times and then was in other hospitals and rehab for another 7 weeks. It took about a year of hard work to get fully self-sufficient again. I am left with permanent damage on the right side of my body from the hip down which prevents me from ever doing some of the physical things that used to be a joy to me. The process of dealing with this situation has taken my understanding of life and healing to another level and is certainly nothing I would have chosen to get these lessons.
As a result, I have learned how to live from my heart and trust that small, still voice within for direction in my life and to use my ego/intellect to handle the details and that has given me more real freedom in living than I have ever had before. My current business as an emotional freedom coach is not just a business and is an extension of what my life is about. I am constantly looking for what is real and true and effective on this journey as a spiritual being in a material world.”

Other Interests:
- Studied the works of Edgar Cayce work and Gurdjieff
- A Course in Miracles
- Avatar training
- Walter Russell's University of Science and Philosophy course, as well as others.
Published a cookbook in Dec 2010 : www.cookingwithheartenergy.com
Don taught himself to cook in 1990 reluctantly as a result of a divorce and had a revelation about how the negative thoughts about the whole food process were creating energy toxins in the food; he totally changed his attitude about cooking and everything else in life. Don studied different ways of eating and how that affects the body; he has supervised dozens of people on fasting and the power and benefits of colonics.
Member of Mensa for several years in the late 1970s; Hospice program volunteer for 5 years, working in the homes of clients and their family using Reiki and coaching skills; volunteer work with Oncology staff and AIDS clinic for one year.