Your First Name*
Your Last Name*
Your Email*
Main Issue: What is your main complaint, issue or challenge?*
How long have you been aware of this?*
What have you actively done for resolution?*
What is this costing you (In money, lost income, strained relationships, lost opportunities, impaired health, etc.)?*
Your results so far (How much time and money have you spent on this so far and what results have you gotten?)?*
What would it be worth (How would it feel and what would it be worth to you to resolve this issue within 30, 60, or 90 days?)?*
How ready are you?* I am ready to fully commit to a resolution nowI need to wait some period of time before I am ready
Contact Information (please enter your phone number or Skype name)*
Your time zone* PacificMountainCentralEasternOther/Out of USA
Username or email *
Password *
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