1What is Emotional Freedom Coaching (EFC)
EFC is a powerful new approach to psychotherapy that rapidly relieves emotional and psychological distress without medication and without long term talk therapy. EFC uses energy healing techniques such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) to achieve fast and permanent results for life issues such as anger, depression, pain, headaches, weight loss, frustration, worry, stress, addiction, guilt, anxiety, fear, phobias, trauma, etc.
2How does EFC work?
EFC combines Eastern approaches of the mind and body with Western psychology and psychotherapy ideas. EFC is based on the theory that all negative emotion we experience is a result of a blockage somewhere in the body’s energy system. The techniques of EFC remove the blocks. Think of it as acupuncture without needles. EFC Practitioners teach their clients to use a series of taps on acupuncture points as they remember an anxiety-producing event or an on-going issue. Pressure on these acupuncture points relieves the discomfort and the issue dissolves.
3What types of problems can EFC help me with?
EFC has been found effective in the treatment of a wide range of emotional and physical distress such as: anger, depression, pain, headaches, weight loss, frustration, worry, stress, addiction, guilt, anxiety, fear, phobias, trauma, and much more.
4What happens during a session?
During your session, you will be asked to think of a situation or past event that you want relieved. For example times when you have felt feelings of anger, depression, frustration, worry, stress, guilt, anxiety, fear or have experienced phobias, trauma, pain, addiction, headaches, etc., You are then asked to rank how uncomfortable you are thinking about this situation on a scale of 1-10. You will be shown a series of light taps to perform on acupressure points on the face, upper body and hands as you think of this stressful situation. In most cases, during the tapping sequence, you will begin to experience the problem dissolve.
5What’s the success rate?
75-80% of people will experience rapid, if not, instant relief using EFC techniques. Many skilled EFC practitioners achieve measurable results over 90% of the time by combining different EFC techniques.
6How long does it take for me to see results?
Most people experience positive results during the first EFC session. The complexity of the issue being addressed determines how much more needs to be done. For example, in some cases a client may come for an issue with depression, the depression may be complicated by feelings of anger and guilt that must be removed first.
Do the effects last? Yes. Sometimes you may have to go back and address aspects that did not come up in a session where you cleared everything that surfaced.
These methods work for depression, addictions, traumas, anger, grief, sadness, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, substance cravings (food, drink, drugs, etc.) and many other emotional or physical issues.One interesting feature of this work is that you begin with your most bothersome symptom. Almost immediately, deeper aspects naturally arise and can be treated with little or no analysis and/or talking about the problems. This does not eliminate the need for counseling or coaching; however, it makes those techniques more effective once you remove the unpleasant and energy-draining emotional components to the problem.
The basic concept of emotional freedom coaching is that all negative emotions are caused by imbalances in a person’s energy field. By tuning the thought field relative to a specific issue and gently tapping on the appropriate meridian points, one can quickly eliminate the negative emotion 80 to 90% of the time for emotional upsets and 50 to 60% of the time for physical pain.
After one session, people generally feel lighter, freer, have more energy and think more clearly. This work can be done in either one-on-one sessions in-person or on the phone, or in groups as large as 200 people at a time. Of course, a person receives more attention for their specific issues in a private session. Good results are easily and quickly obtained even within group situations.
Don Milton has over 15 years of experience with various forms of energy work and personal coaching. He began utilizing these methods in March of 2003 as part of his program for personal performance and empowerment with clients.
Don also has a special 12-week transformational program available and can custom-design programs for specific needs.