Don takes you step by step through a series of tapping exercises that are designed to significantly reduce or completely eliminate phobias. Imagine feeling free and unafraid. Learn to live your life without restrictions or limits.
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Don Milton’s EFT videos will help you!
Do you feel trapped, or crippled by bondage to a phobia? Are you missing out on major opportunities because you are trapped by fear? Do you feel ashamed or weak because of a phobia?
Many people have heard of phobias such as fear of heights, fear of spiders, insects, elevators, and even open spaces.
Are you headed down a destructive path in your attempts to deal with social phobia?
Did you know that many people experience social phobia and may not even be aware of the unnecessary hindrance this is causing them in their personal and professional lives?
How EFT Removes Phobias
- Changes the thoughts that create the phobia
- Requires no belief or "tough it out" approach
- Provides techniques that can be used when experiencing a phobic reaction
A Powerful EFT Session in Your Home
An Amazing Value
This EFT tutorial video is like a personal session with Don. He recorded the video with the intention of approximating a real EFT session with a client. The atmosphere of the video is authentic and friendly, and it feels like you have Don with you in your living room, guiding you through the EFT tapping exercises designed to help you solve your problem. It's as close as you can get to a private session, making it a huge value for the price.
A typical 90-minute session with Don is $335, which is a great value in itself, when you consider the benefits gained. This tutorial video can be used over and over again for only the one-time cost of $29.
- It's like a private session with Don in your own home
- Multiple rounds of EFT tapping exercises
- Be guided step-by-step through the EFT method
- Compare to $335 for a private session
- Use the video as many times as you need
- What value would you place on relieving your anxiety? What would you gain?
Customer Testimonials
This is what Don Milton’s clients say that they experience as a result of using his EFT video for phobias.
- It is simple and easy to use.
- Results are immediate - and lasting!
- Nothing to lose - except your phobias!
Hear What Others Say About The EFT Videos
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Tap your way to calmness, peace, and tranquility.
What is the Emotional
Freedom Technique?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a cutting edge, quick and effective method of tapping on meridian points with your finger tips. It has been around for over 20 years and is used by professionals and lay people to significantly reduce and/or eliminate all sorts of negative emotions, addictions, physical pains, and remove mental blocks to peak performance in business or sports. It's effective and safe for both adults and children.